Polka-Dots and Popcorn, Fashion Frosting ~forever

Sunday, November 25, 2012

XXI Top 3 Necklaces

Here are my Top 3 Necklaces from Forever 21!
This first one is really cute because it's casual, but will give the perfect accent to a lot of outfits: Forever 21 Tropical Flower Charm Necklace
This necklace I really love because of the position of the bird, it's like flying over your chest. Simple, yet beautiful: Forever 21 Soaring Dove Necklace
 The last one is more fancy, because of the pearls and layers, but the black flower at the corner really adds a lot of style: Forever 21 Rosette Swag Necklace
That's all for now,

TOMS Geometry Shoes

Hi guys!
Look what I found! TOMS Geometry shoes! How cool is that? TOMS Women's Geometry Geometry was my favorite math class, too. I already have a pair of plain navy TOMS right now, but I'm definitely thinking for the future!

 Have a great day,

Top 3 Post

So every now and then, I'll do a Top 3 post, which will have my top 3 fav items from one store. Check back often, as styles can change!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

NEW! Polka-Dots and Popcorn Overview

Hey guys,
So guess what? I added a new section where you can post your fashion advice, ideas, and just share your style! I'll also be keeping a list of all the products I've posted on the blog that I like. Be sure to check back often. Fashion Guide

VS: PINK Sweatshirt

Hey everyone!
So I went to Victoria's Secret the other day, and I bought a really cute sweater! I was having a hard time deciding which color I wanted to get, because I really loved the navy one, too.

But this is what I decided on:
That's all,


Hey guys,
I've added a poll on the sidebar. So check out the question and be sure to give your input. -->

Megan & Liz: On Style

I'm sure you've heard of the incredibly talented Youtube singers, Megan and Liz. (And if you haven't, then get on it!!!) But they also have a beauty channel! Megan & Liz: On Style

They have tons of great videos with style advice, tips and tutorials, and more!

Victoria's Secret: PINK

Victoria's Secret's PINK is absolutely one of my favorite clothing stores ever! http://www.victoriassecret.com/pink Go see for yourself...it's really awesome. I love their sweatshirts, and they also have really cute sweatpants.
When I was in there, I saw the new VS perfume. I'm very picky about perfume, but this one smelled amazing! It wasn't too sweet, but not too harsh either. Victoria's Secret: Angel Gold Eau de Parfum Looooved it!

So check it out!

Cute Nails!

Hey everyone,
So, I am a HUGE nail art fan. I love painting my nails and doing different designs and stuff. A lot of people ask me how I do them, but instead I've found a nail art tutorial video for you!
I love the way this girl does it, and the one thing that surprises me is she's really good on both hands. Since I'm right-handed, I can only do designs on my left hand, my right hand is usually just plain color, and pretty sloppy. I think if you check out her channel, this girl has done really cute Elmo nails too. (I tried that, really awesome.) But here I've included only the watermelon and monkey nails.


Sally Beauty Supply

If you ever need anything from hair-dye, to nail art tools, to curling irons, Sally Beauty Supply is your place. I personally love their large selection of hair-dye, but they also sell hair extensions and styling tools. Definitely check it out! www.sallybeauty.com
That's all,

Just Fab

Okay, so Just Fab is a GREAT shoe website. It's an online-only store, and you have to sign up to purchase anything, but it's still really awesome. They'll have to take a style quiz, and then they'll set up a personalized boutique for you! You also get to favorite things and add them to a wish list, which is great because I love wish lists. I like to be able to keep track of the stuff I like for future reference.
So try it, and tell me what you think! www.justfab.com

Places to Shop

I've added a list of websites of all my fav places to shop, on the new page titled 'Shop'. Besides the usual brand-names, I put some stores like Macy's and Old Navy because they're good for basics. I also have some make-up and beauty stores on there, like Sephora and Ulta. Some of the links are to only-online stores, like Just Fab and e.l.f. So enjoy!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Welcome everyone to my blog!
Here, it's fashion furever! So take a look, comment, and join to receive updates. I always want to hear new ideas!